Currency converter & exchange rates

Currency converter

British Pound ´s value today (1 £)

The exchange rates of various currencies today 07-27-2024 in relation to the British Pound. The table shows how much is one Pount in currency X.
  Value Currency name Currency code Symbol Note
1,19 Euro EUR  
1,29 US dollar USD $  
1,00 Pound sterling GBP £  
1,96 Australian dollar AUD $  
2,32 Bulgarian lev BGN    
7,25 Brazilian real BRL R$  
1,78 Canadian dollar CAD $  
1,14 Swiss franc CHF Sfr  
9,33 Chinese yuan renminbi CNY ¥  
5,94 Finnish mark FIM mk Was replaced with Euro in 1 January 2002
30,07 Czech koruna CZK  
8,84 Danish krone DKK kr.  
10,05 Hong Kong dollar HKD HK$  
8,93 Croatian kuna HRK kn  
463,33 Hungarian forint HUF Ft  
20 969,92 Indonesian rupiah IDR Rp  
4,72 Israeli shekel ILS  
107,79 Indian rupee INR  
198,91 Japanese yen JPY ¥  
1 783,82 South Korean won KRW  
4,09 Lithuanian litas LTL Lt  
0,83 Latvian lats LVL Ls Euro became currency 1 January 2014
23,61 Mexican peso MXN Mex$  
5,99 Malaysian ringgit MYR RM  
14,15 Norwegian krone NOK kr  
2,18 New Zealand dollar NZD $  
75,11 Philippine peso PHP  
5,07 Polish zloty PLN  
5,89 New Romanian leu RON  Euro became currency in 2015
138,90 Russian rouble RUB  
13,90 Swedish krona SEK kr  
1,73 Singapore dollar SGD S$  
46,35 Thai baht THB ฿  
42,43 Turkish lira TRY  
23,48 South African rand ZAR R  
15,64 Estonian kroon EEK kr Was replaced with Euro in 1 January 2011

Currency exchange rates shown on this Web service are provided by The European Central Bank and Google. Service provider does not take responsibility of accuracy of the information.